Smoke Free Policy

Applies to: All Staff , Residents and Visitors


Effective February 12, 2007 all of the buildings and grounds including the parking lot owned by the R.K. MacDonald Nursing Home are smoke/tobacco free (including e-cigarettes) with the exception of the Resident smoke room that is exempt by law and is for the use of Residents only. As per provincial law, no persons under the age of 19 are permitted in the smoking room.

Safety is our priority in allowing Residents to access the Smoking Room.


  1. STAFF – Staff are prohibited from smoking or using tobacco at any time in the home or on the property of the home including the parking lot. Smoking is prohibited in any vehicle located on the property. Persons employed by the home in violation of the Board’s smoke free policy will be subject to disciplinary action.
  2. VISITORS – Visitors are prohibited from smoking or using tobacco at any time in the home or on the property of the home including the parking lot. Smoking is prohibited in any vehicle located on the property. Persons in violation of the Board’s smoke free policy will be advised of the smoke free policy and asked to stop smoking related activity. If the person refuses, they will be asked to leave the premises.
  3. RESIDENTS – Residents are permitted to smoke in the designated smoking room only provided they can do so safely and independently. Due to safety and health concerns related to second hand smoke, staff are not required to provide any assistance to Residents choosing to smoke. Cigarettes, cigars, pipes, lighters, and matches will be left with the Resident at the discretion of the RN in charge.
  4. Recognizing the addiction and desires associated with smoking, if the ability of a resident to smoke safely and independently declines, a case conference with family, resident, physician, nursing and staff from other departments as indicated and the Challenging Behaviors Strategist will be held to develop strategies to implement a smoking cessation program.

Click here to view a PDF of the policy.