Accreditation provides a solid foundation to build new quality improvement initiatives upon, long-term care CEO says. Accreditation provides a solid foundation to build new quality improvement initiatives upon, long-term care CEO says.
“I wouldn’t put any new initiatives in place without first consulting the standards,” Thompson says. “A new program should be based on the standards, so that it can be measured and we can ensure that it’s improving quality services and safe care.”
Thompson notes that the RK MacDonald Nursing Home underwent AC’s Primer accreditation survey from Dec. 4-6, 2017.
“It’s knowing that we’re aligned with best practices and that we have a guideline to go back to whenever we are implementing a new program,” she says.
Thompson adds that oftentimes, long-term care facilities work to adapt acute care resources to their specific sector.
“But once you go through Accreditation Canada’s program, you have access to long-term care standards,” she says. “You’re able to access resources that are pertinent to your sector.”
Thompson said AC’s Primer program was a positive experience as surveyors highlighted not only areas where the nursing home could improve, but also areas where it is excelling. She noted that surveyors highlighted efforts the nursing home was making in Person-Centred Care.
From Accreditation Canada, Accreditation Helps RK MacDonald Home Establish Clear Path Forward, published on Jan 04, 2018. The full article can be found on Accreditation Canada’s website here.