Medical Director

Apr 8, 2024

POSITION                                       Medical Director
DEPARTMENT:                              Administration
RESPONSIBLE TO:                        CEO through contract with R.K. MacDonald Nursing Home


Functions and Responsibilities:

  1. To promote and maintain the safety of residents, staff, and visitors as a strategic priority for the home at all times.
  2. Must be familiar with the following documents related to the provision of medical care to residents of Nursing Homes/Homes for the Aged:

    1. the Homes for Special Care Act and the Regulations pertaining to the provision of medical care to residents of Nursing Homes/Homes for the Aged
    2. the policies of the Department of Health and Wellness related to the provision of medical care to residents of Nursing Homes/Homes for the Aged
    3. the by-laws of the Nursing Home and, in accepting the appointment as Medical Director, agrees to comply with the terms of those documents.

  3. Responsible for liaising with the resident’s physicians, and providing advice and consultation at the request of the physician.
  4. Recognizing that the resident’s physician has primary responsibility for the medical care of the resident, the Medical Director is responsible for ensuring that all residents receive an acceptable standard of medical care from their physician.


    • Where a resident’s physician does not perform in keeping with the expectations of the Nursing Home as outlined in the documents listed above (2a, b, c), it shall be the responsibility of the Medical Director, working with the CEO, to resolve the situation with the physician.
    • Where a resident’s physician has not performed in keeping with the expectations of the Nursing Home as outlined in 2a, b, c, and the Medical Director is unable to resolve the situation with the physician, the Medical Director shall make a recommendation to the CEO that the services of the physician be terminated.
    • The Medical Director shall work with the CEO to ensure that the resident (or where the resident is incompetent, the resident’s legal representative or a designated family member) is consulted before the relationship between the resident and their physician is terminated.
    • The Medical Director shall work with the CEO to ensure that the resident has the services of another physician. In the event that the services of a physician cannot be secured immediately, the Medical Director will provide any necessary medical care to the resident until a physician is confirmed.
  5. Responsible for ensuring residents of the Home have access to medical care at all times.


    • Where a resident does not have a physician on admission to the Home, the Medical Director shall assist the CEO in ensuring that the services of a physician are secured. In the interim, the Medical Director shall serve as the resident’s attending physician.

  6. Responsible for collaborating with the review and development of medical policies, procedures, and standards for the facility.


    • The Medical Director shall identify needs in medical policy, procedure and standards for the facility, and initiating the discussion of these needs with the CEO and the Director of Care.
    • Where necessary, the Medical Director shall assist the facility administration and staff with preparation for accreditation by the Canadian Council on Health Services Accreditation.


  7. Shall participate in the Home’s quality assurance process.
  8. Shall participate in committee work required by legislation including attendance at meetings where the Medical Director’s membership on the committee is mutually agreed upon by the Medical Director and the facility.
  9. Shall hold meetings when necessary, with the medical staff to discuss topics of interest and concern related to the care of residents of the Nursing Home.

    Safe Work Practices / Responsibilities

    The R.K MacDonald Occupational Health and Safety Home Policy establishes employee expectations for working safely. To achieve these expectations employees at all levels of the organization must adhere to Core Values of Safety and Safety Responsibilities listed below:

    • Demonstrate leadership commitment.
    • Communicate hazards and controls.
    • Conduct inspections & investigations.
    • Provide Training / Communicate / Lead / Coach.
    • Provide necessary tools / equipment / PPE.
    • Monitor Compliance to SOPs & SWPs.
    • Enforce disciplines & Discipline as required.

    We are committed to upholding the Human Rights of all R.K MacDonald employees, including the right of all people to enjoy a physically and psychologically safe work environment; the right of all people to just and favourable terms of employment; and the right of all people to be respected and valued for their differences with equitable opportunities and outcomes in an inclusive environment where all can thrive.