Resident’s Bill of Rights

Applies to: All Staff, Students, Volunteers, Residents, Public


The Home shall have a Resident Bill of Rights to ensure Residents receive quality of care.


The Bill of Rights shall be:

  1. Posted in visible areas throughout the Home.
  2. Form part of all Departmental Policy and Procedure Manuals.
  3. Included in orientation program for all new employees, volunteers and students.
  4. Included in admission brochures for residents and families.

The following Bill of Rights shall be respected in the Home:

Resident’s Bill of Rights

  1. To be treated with courtesy, dignity and respect.
  2. To be properly sheltered and cared for.
  3. To be given privacy in treatment and in caring for one’s own personal needs.
  4. To keep and display personal possessions, pictures, etc.
  5. To be involved, whenever possible, in any decisions affecting treatments and to have one’s condition explained in easily understood terms to one self or next of kin and the right to be informed of changes in medical condition.
  6. To have access to programs that reflect rehabilitation to enhance independence to meet one’s needs.
  7. To communicate in confidence, to receive visitors, and to consult in private with any person without interference as long as safety of yourself and others is not comprised.
  8. To be able to express personal feelings and criticisms to staff or administration without fear of reprisal, discrimination or deprivation.
  9. To manage financial affairs or have someone appointed to do so.
  10. To pursue one’s social, cultural, and religious interests.
  11. To be informed of services available as well as the charge for these services.
  12. To be informed of room changes.
  13. To choose your own physician.
  14. To participate in Resident Council.
  15. To have confidentiality respected in regards to medical, personal, and financial affairs.
  16. To know who is caring for you and who is responsible for your medical and personal care.

Click here to view a PDF of the policy.